If you have rented out or sell off your flats and intended to stay in Johor, please, please, please

Do not let the Johoreans pay the inflated house-price at the end of the day because of your "rental in JB is very much cheaper compared to Singapore."
2. Do not take cleanliness for granted. Do not complain of uncollected garbage and litters all around you because here, Bangladeshis are not employed to clean the area.
3. Do not complain of taxi-drivers not turning on the meter or overcharging your fare because majority will ONLY have RM notes. They rarely have small coins with them.
4. Do not take safety for granted. Walking around your neighbourhood all by yourself at 8pm is a DIFFERENT experience walking alone at 12midnight in Singapore.
5. Do not make yourself another target of snatch-thief with your thick wallet opened in full view of shoppers.
6. Do not make yourself the most-hated neighbour in your neighbourhood with your bragging remarks: "Lifts in Singapore are always in good service." "Buses in Singapore are punctual." Remember, nobody ask you to move here. YOU chose to move.

7. When your kids warn you not to reprimand them with their declining school results because of the time consuming journey to and from school and the insufficient sleep, if you have their welfare at heart, for goodness sake, uproot your family and go BACK to Singapore.
8. When your spouse hinted of being left alone far too long hours at home, before a mountain can be created out of a mold, for goodness sake, uproot your family and go BACK to Singapore.
9. The purpose of staying in JB is to keep the family intact. But the children's education should not be compromised and the existence of spouse should not be ignored.
10. Ask around - opinions of Singaporeans who have stayed for a very long time in JB.
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