Saturday, February 20, 2010

Losing The Human Essence

A guy, standing in the sardine-packed MRT with his feet firm to the floor but his head buried in a hand-held screen.

Most likely he will still be in his stationary position - Even when the train switch track or stop for outgoing and incoming passengers.
Most likely he's not aware of himself being accidentally knocked at or he knocked at others - It is as if nothing ever happened.
He's in his own world - Do not expect an apology - Just move away from him.

Technology has drawn many users and dependents entangled in its web - At home, doing office-work, while walking down the streets, waiting for train, in between meal, everywhere except the physical world.
Trees, lush greens, babies, advertisements and grand landmarks are camouflaged by almost all evolving device and apps.

This 'symptom', retreating oneself from the natural world is fast becoming pandemic - It is most evident in our own home, neighbourhood and society at large.
Has technology change the human essence?
Will information be solely depended on the Internet?
Will our ways of thinking and flows of idea be programmed then?

With roughly 1/3 of our lives spent interacting with screens - Be it computer, tv, handphone or devices, we are all stepping into becoming digital zombies, partnering with digital technology which we depend on and will eventually determine our lives (See one's reaction when losing just a small phone).

If... One day, by GOD's will, every computer system go bust, catastrophic?
Will humans blame themselves for being too dependent on it?

Can we then, walk upright and realised how we've lost touch with the real world? 



mamasita said...

A very scary thought..hopefully janganlah kan..

Ummie said...

Datin Mamasita,
The reality is upfront. Technology made us too complacent with life. That's the reason why it's good to occasionally spend time with nature.
Soul searching is a must.
Anyway, we have to catch up with the current world too.

Anonymous said...

It sure has become a Technology dependent world. Its hard to live even a few minutes without electricity. We have already taken up social networking.
Maybe in a few years, there won't be any outing. Everything at home, in front of a computer. It sure is scary!

Ummie said...

You are almost right - There won't be any outing in few years time. Even now the trend is picking up - Social skill is dipping as eyes and self is spent more on screens.